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What is the best material to use for tpu moulds

發布時間:2023-04-20 10:47瀏覽次數:作者:雋業TPU氣囊廠家

When manufacturing tpu moulds, it is important to choose the right material as it can directly affect the accuracy, life and productivity of the mould. The following are several materials commonly used in the manufacture of TPU moulds:

1、Aluminium alloy: Aluminium alloy is a light and durable material that can provide good rigidity and thermal conductivity for TPU moulds, thus improving the manufacturing accuracy and productivity of the moulds.

2, P20 steel: P20 steel is a high hardness and high toughness tool steel, can provide TPU moulds with good wear resistance and impact resistance, suitable for the production of high-precision, high requireMents of TPU products.

3, H13 steel: H13 steel is a high hardness and high heat resistance tool steel, suitable for the production of large, complex TPU products, such as automotive parts.

4、Oxygen-free copper: Oxygen-free copper is a material with high thermal conductivity, which can effectively improve the cooling effect of TPU moulds, thus improving the life and productivity of the moulds.

5, polyimide (PI): polyimide is a high temperature, high hardness and high rigidity of polymer materials, suitable for the production of high-precision, high requirements of TPU products, and can improve the mold's resistance to wear and tear and life.

All of the above materials have certain advantages in the manufacture of TPU moulds, the choice of which material should also consider the specific requirements of the mould to achieve optimal manufacturing results.

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